We are specialized in Montblanc since 2008

Ratings and honest feedback from our customers inspire trust. In a seemingly impersonal environment on the world wide web, it is important for us to keep close and honest contact with our customers. Please click below on Ebay and/or google to get an insight view into our customers' opinion.

Furthermore, we have been audited by Trusted Shop and we are certified as a secure store.

Seal of approval

Trusted Shop certified

We have been certified by Trusted Shop and we are one of the guaranteed safe stores in Europe. This includes an in-depth audit that screens our processes and guidelines. Constant monitoring ensures that this is ongoing and sustainable.

Customer reviews


With over 5000 positive reviews, our German EBAY Shop impressively proves what our customers think about us

It all started with this store. What was created in 2007 next to my studies out of passion and hobby, has become my profession today.

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Penfabrik Online Store

5.0 out of 5.0 possible stars!

Our Google ratings also prove the high level of satisfaction of our customers. We would like to thank all of our customers who report their shopping experience with us.

We hope we were able to convince you of the seriousness and reliability we stand for.

If there are still any doubts or questions, we are happy to be there for you and advise you by telephone or e-mail during our opening hours.

Special Deal

Montblanc StarWalker Precious Resin Kugelschreiber - penfabrik


Montblanc StarWalker Precious Resin Ballpoint Pen

Ident. No.: 132509




You haven't found the right item for you yet?

Please use the following link to our contact form and send us an individual inquiry. We are happy to advise you on your search for your perfect Montblanc.

We have built a strong network all over the world and are very well connected which enables us to offer pens you might not see on our online store. Please send us your inquiry and we will start our research for you.

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